The Grey Wolf

The Grey Wolf
As I proceed in my project I will continue to reflect on one of the top predators, the Grey Wolf.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Throughout my "final project" I have come across more topics that I need to research to get a better understanding of. For example the only thing I knew about the moose was that it had four stomachs and that it re-chews its food. I then researched how the food actually goes through the moose and found that the food goes through the first two stomachs after being slightly chewed, then after the moose has had its share of food and is full it will spit the food back up to re-chew it, which it then goes into the last two stomachs before being digested and released as waste.

This process is the same for the mountain goat as well. Although, while I was researching the mountain goat I found that this form of digestion helps keep the animal safe from predators. The goat will retreat into the mountains because the digestion takes a while and the animal is safer in the rocky cliffs to continue the process compared to being exposed to predators while trying to re-chew the curd.
I have only just recently finished my slide of herbivores on my "final project" and I am now starting to do the carnivores category. I will inform you guys later on what new information I come across.

Pictured here is a basic diagram of the Moose's digestive tract